Paul Bearer Shrine!

The Paul Bearer Shrine! Dedicated to the greatest wrestling manager of all time.

Real Name:
*William Moody
He Has Managed:
* Eric Embry
* The Undertaker
* Mankind
* Vader
* Kane

-Arriving into the World Wrestling Federation as the Undertaker's keeper, Paul Bearer has since turned on the Phenom and masterminded an evil plot to destroy the former Federation Champion. The portly mortician revealed to the world that the Undertaker killed his parents and attempted to murder his younger brother, by igniting their family-owned funeral parlor into a raging inferno. Proving to the world that the brother, Kane, did survive the fire, Bearer unleashed the seven-foot monster to the world last year at In Your House: Badd Blood. For the past twenty years, the malicious manager has been telling Kane that his brother is the one who set the fire that destroyed his family. Is Bearer telling the truth, or is he feeding Kane a fictional encounter in order to destroy the Undertaker once and for all?



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